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We do need to get this into a playable state pretty soon, so we'll just add one more type of game piece, a monster that (unlike the goblin) will not...
OK, we're gonna add a trap this time, but before we start, we have to clean up last lesson's messes. We did a restructuring of the code, which was...
I write these in odd moments between other, more "serious" work and sometimes, if I get busy, it can take weeks to come out with a new installment....
We can now place walls in our level designer, so let's add the next game piece: treasure. The characteristics of treasure are: It occupies a...
Now that we've got a framework, we're ready to think in terms of game design. This is always fun. When you get down to it, the basic elements of this...
We're finally ready to tackle the Dungeon Slippers game! But first... No, don't groan, there's just a little something I want to handle because as we...